
60 year old male patient who is a RTC driver ,came with the complaints of  increased frequency of micturition during night (4 to 5 times every night) ( nocturia)  increased thirst since 3 months sensation of bladder fullness present No h/o fever,weight loss,loss of appetite,chest pain,SOB,PND,orthopnea,pain abdomen,burning micturition,pedal edema, blurring of vision( left eye)  since 3 months  No h/o,vomitings,diarrhea No h/o tingling and numbness of both upperlimb and lower limb Bowel and bladder movements are regular   PAST HISTORY: K/C/O HTN since 10 years  PERSONAL HISTORY: Diet : mixed Appetite: normal sleep: adequate  Bowel and bladder movements : regular Addictions: drinks 90 to 180 ml / day every day since 40 yrs smokes 10 beedis / day since 40 years DRUG HISTORY: TAB Amlodipine 5 mg TAB Atenolol 50 mg for hypertension since 9 yrs GENERAL EXAMINATION: Pt is conscious , coherent and cooperative moderately built and nourished BP:150/100 mmHg PR: 75 bpm TEMPERATURE: afebrile RR:16
Hello everyone ! Iam an intern in the medicine of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log with what i learn during the course of my duties Case presentation: 72 yrs old male patient from suryapet came with the complaints of increased abdominal distension since 15 days Pedal edema since 10 days with B/ L pitting type up to knee joint  HOPI : patient had yellowish discolouration of eyes 6months back and high coloured urine  patient had abdominal distension and pedal edema bilateral pitting type  since 6 months patient was on alcohol abstinence since 6months .These complaints again aggrevated after he started drinking 15 days back  for 5 days .  Abdominal distension since 15 days and Pedal edemal was B/L pitting type,painless,up to knee joints since 10 days patient passed stools twice today. No facial puffiness,pain abdomen,fever,SOB, orthopnea,PND,nausea,vomitings,chest pain,loose stools, palpitations Bowel and

Uremic encephalopathy

Hello everyone ! Iam an intern in the medicine of the important terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with my daily log with what i learn during the course of my duties. Case presentation -Patient came with the complaint of generalised tonic clonic type of seizure(1 episode)  -Complaint of low back ache Complaint of slurring of speech HOPI -Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 day back then she developed generalised tonic clonic seizure? in the evening( detailed history was not given) -Complaints of low back ache -Complaints of slurring of speech -Not associated with fever,cough,cold,pedal edema,pain abdomen -Drug history details,last LMP details,any poison intake history not availabe. Past history History of fever and cough before 1 week which got subsided History of abortion 5 years back Drug history Not allergic to any known drugs Family history No similar complaints in the family Personal history :  She was married 10 yrs ago.she had
23rd May:seen a case of OCD ,ADS 24 th may:sunday read about mood disorders 25th May:seen cases ofMR with psychosis,moderate depression with social phobia 26 th May:seen2 cases of ocd,2 cases of schizophrenia,BPAD 27 th May:Dialysis duty,rounds of ckd patients 28th May:Dialysis duty,rounds of ckd patients 29th May: seen cases of schizophrenia with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome 30th May: seen cases ofschizophrenia relapse,ADS 31 st May:sunday, read about schizophrenia 1st June:seen cases of somatization disorder,social phobia,ADS 2nd June: read about neuropsychiatry 3rd June: Medicine opd duty  4th June:seen 2 cases of ATPD,schizophrenia,panic attack,major depressive disorder 5th June:seen case ofalcohol induced affective disorder ,psychosis 6th June: seen case of schizophrenia relapse,severe depression 7 th June: read about child psychiatry 8 th June:  9 tg June 10 th June: 11 th June 12 th June 13 th June 14 th June 15 th June 16 th June 17 th June 18 th June 19 th June 2