23rd May:seen a case of OCD ,ADS
24 th may:sunday read about mood disorders
25th May:seen cases ofMR with psychosis,moderate depression with social phobia
26 th May:seen2 cases of ocd,2 cases of schizophrenia,BPAD
27 th May:Dialysis duty,rounds of ckd patients
28th May:Dialysis duty,rounds of ckd patients
29th May: seen cases of schizophrenia with moderate depression,organic brain syndrome
30th May: seen cases ofschizophrenia relapse,ADS
31 st May:sunday, read about schizophrenia
1st June:seen cases of somatization disorder,social phobia,ADS
2nd June: read about neuropsychiatry
3rd June: Medicine opd duty 
4th June:seen 2 cases of ATPD,schizophrenia,panic attack,major depressive disorder
5th June:seen case ofalcohol induced affective disorder ,psychosis
6th June: seen case of schizophrenia relapse,severe depression
7 th June: read about child psychiatry
8 th June: 
9 tg June
10 th June:
11 th June
12 th June
13 th June
14 th June
15 th June
16 th June
17 th June
18 th June
19 th June
20 th June
21 st June
22 nd June
23 rd June
24 th June
25 th June
26 th June
27 th June
28 th June
29 th June
30 th June
1 st July

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